Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Todd Spence: Obscure celebrity spotter extraordinaire

Okay, so I have a knack to spot the most random people in cinema of yore. I'm talkin' like Bill Moseley or "that one dude from Maverick".

Today, I was driving back from _________ and spotted an older gentleman standing on the corner of Sunset and some side street. I instantly recognized the guy, but thought "nah, probably not. Better be a weirdo and double check." So I drove around the block and up the street to make sure it was or wasn't the person I was thinking of. Certainly enough, it was him. The guy I'm referring to is Joe Dante, director of classic films of my growing up; "Gremlins", "The Howling", "The Burbs", Segment 3 from "The Twilight Zone: The Movie", "Innerspace", "The Explorers". Anyway, that's the type of celebrities that excite me. And that's the type of people that I can instantly recognize.

I've also seen the black guy from Predator (his name escapes me but he is indeed THE black guy from Predator), Jeff Garlin, and Elliot Gould.

I have a knack for these things, folks. Call it a gift. A gift to confuse the people with me when these random sightings occur.

If any of these names confuse you, it just makes me feel all the more amazing.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

First post. And it's really important.

The following are the things that occur in my mind. Things I think about. You will find no drama within these blogs but thoughts of awesomeness. AWESOMENESS!

My first thought is the winner of BEST ALBUM COVERS & winner of SWEETEST MASCOT.

I present Eddie, the Head.
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My GOLLY, would ya look at that.
Above is a collage, or tribute to all of the Iron Maiden covers featuring Eddie in his various uniforms, or disguises, or date outfits.

Now I'm not a big Iron Maiden fan, if really at all. Well, just a little. Maybe I just need to hear more of their music. But I do respect the gods of metal. With that said, I've always noticed this character on the Iron Maiden albums. He's on, I think, all of them. And the artwork was also amazing, colorful, and just mind-blowing.

Here's some history on the Eddie character...
Eddie, whose full name is Eddie the 'Ead or Edward the Head also known as Edward the Great.

Eddie the head was born with no body, no arms, and no legs. All he had was a head. But despite this major birth defect, his parents still loved him very much. So on his sixteenth birthday, his parents found a doctor that could surgically give Eddie a body. When the parents got home, they couldn't wait to tell him that he could finally have a body and be like other normal people. When Eddie got there, they were really excited and said, "Have we got a surprise for you. It's the best present ever!" They showed him, and Eddie said, "Oh no, not another fuckin' hat!"